Shoulder Blades Crackle

By Deborah Lee, MD

  1. Shoulder Blade Cracking With Movement
  2. Shoulder Blades Clicking
  3. Shoulder Blades Crackle Vs

An injury to the shoulder blade, including fracture of this bone, usually is associated with forceful trauma. Rotator cuff injury is a tearing of the muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. It may be caused by a sports injury or with time by repetitive wear and tear. The humerus bone comes there and fit under and inside the shoulder blade or scapula. This is connected through the 4 x muscles, known as the rotator cuff. A structure is known as labrum, which is derived from cartilage functions as a kind of a soft cup right inside the shoulder blade, which actually keeps human’s arm in place.


Shoulder Blade Cracking With Movement

of ETNT Health | Blades

As a doctor, I know the coronavirus, COVID-19, has revealed itself to be a master of disguise. Whereas some people can have it and have no idea they are infected, others end up in the Intensive Care Unit, unable to breathe and on a ventilator, since the virus targets the lungs. So what should we look out for? What are the signs our lung function is deteriorating?

Here are some points of relevance—however, if you are concerned about your clinical condition, I would urge you to seek professional help sooner rather than later, because all respiratory infections can get worse with frightening speed. You need to get help promptly before things progress too far.

Shoulder Blades Clicking

Shoulder Blades Crackle

Shoulder Blades Crackle Vs

Shoulder Blades Crackle© Provided by Eat This, Not That!Blades
I am a 33 yr. old female, 135lbs., 5'3'. No injuries/trauma/breaks/etc......
For the past few weeks when I roll my shoulders or straighten up to correct my posture, my back seems to be cracking and crunching. It's not like when a joint 'pops' (like cracking your knuckles), it does it repeatedly for as long as I keep rolling my shoulders or any other movement that moves that area. I can feel it and it just feels like the bones are in there rubbing around and bumping into each other.
There is no pain when I feel the cracking, although if I sit there and continuously do it, the area becomes a little tender and evenutally the cracking stops (or diminishes).
A few days ago I did have some sudden tenderness in that area (running down my spine and between my shoulder blades), it doesn't affect any other area. The tenderness felt like a large bruise back there, but I had my husband press in the area and it didn't hurt when it pressed and palpated the area.
Possibly related....?? I recently had a mild, brief bout of costochondritis in my left 8th rib, I've had that pain off and on for about 8 years. It was an extremely tender spot for about a day and a half and then it completely went away.
I've thought it could possibly be related to arthritis, I have arthritis in 3 fingers on my right hand. But what I'm MOST curious about is the cracking/grinding feeling?? Like I said, it DOESN'T feel like the 'crack' you feel when you 'pop' a joint.
Thank you for any advice and help you might could offer!!